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Scottish International
Head and Neck Conference


Hybrid Event

Saturday 14th of September 2024

King Khaled Building, Royal Collage of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland

Conference Focus:
Head and Neck Endocrine disorders
Thyroid, Parathyroid & Pituitary Gland


Head and Neck Education

This one day case conference hosted at the Royal College of Edinburgh will focus on 'Evidence-based management of Endocrine and Parathyroid pathologies within a multidisciplinary team’.


The event will consist of panel discussions and lectures delivered by world renowned experts. This conference is a hybrid-event accommodating for personal or online attendance via ZOOM.

Anchor 2

Our Faculty


Anchor 1 progrmme

Provisional Programme



Conference Overview- Jai Manickavasagam & Inauguration:


1. Pituitary endocrinology surgery


Clinical presentations, endocrinology, scanning, radiology, surgery, neuro and endocrine- Saleh okhovat/ Samih Hassan







Surgical Case selections, Aim, extend of surgery, minimal access, Intra op PTH, Flouro beam, Revision surgery. Saba Balasubramanian



Coffee break /Storz


Medical -Hyperparathyroidism- Fraser W Gibb




Hands On Workshop

Trainee Poster Viewing


3.Workshop/ hands on simulation/posters and Lunch


Reps’ breakout room:  Medtronic//Inomed/


Reps’ breakout room: /Innovia medical/ENT Audiology news


4 Thyroid


Medical -hyperthyroidism (Graves, RAI treatment) Russell drummond


Surgical Management (Lugol’s Iodine, Vit D, calcium post op, steroids, active thyrotoxicosis, thyroid storm)- Omar Hilmi


Coffee break / APPLIED MEDICAL


Instructional Session


Modern management of Dysthyriod eye disease. Kevin Crofts


Surgical videos session


Closing Session/Poster Prize


*Sponsors are not involved in development or review of the content or selection of speakers

No course dinner to comply with Conference vetting system.

98% Positive Feedback Rating

Participants at our conference report high levels of enjoyment and a satisfying learning experience.


Registration Open

Please click the appropriate link to obtain your ticket. This is a no-profit educational event. Virtual tickets are free for all post-graduate trainees around the world.
Minimum fee is applied for other tickets.
For Scottish trainees physical attendance at Royal college of surgeons at Edinburgh is free.
 Conference fee will be used for faculty expenses, Hall-hiring charge, Accreditation, Audio visual , admin and technical help.

&Cancellation policy - Full refund with 4% reduction (card transaction charge) 1 week (9th Aug 2024) prior to the event.

E poster submission guidelines

Author guidelines:

  • Head and neck or other cancer related projects are eligible for inclusion.

  • Please complete the google form below.
    Posters will be presented in electronic format, there is no need to print prior to the conference. 

    Accepted trainees will be expected to attend in-person, to answer questions and receive prizes if successful.



Submission Deadline: Midnight on 16/08/2024

Art Gallery
Symposium Hall_2.jpg

The Venue

Royal college of surgeons Edinburgh, Surgeons Quarters,

King Khalid Building(Symposium hall) {Church like Building}

Nicolson St, Edinburgh EH8 9DW

Physical venue
Lazy Brown Dog

ZOOM Virtual attendance

Hybrid event

Our Sponsors

July/Aug Issue

Screenshot 2023-07-09 at 13.37.59.png

©Dundee Institute of Head and Neck Education 

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